I Became An “Author Orphan”!!

An “Author Orphan” On April 10th, I was shocked to learn that my publisher, since 2006, was closing their book department. I had just become an “Author Orphan”. I felt like an orphan who does not have any surviving parent to care for them. I no longer had a publisher to take care of me…

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A Must Read: Teens Helping Each Other In Mental Health Crises!

Brilliant Idea Yesterday, in our morning Daily Herald Newspaper I read an article entiteld Surprising remedy for teens in mental health crises that was in the Health Section. I thought the article was Brilliant! To help you, I found it easier to read Surprising remedy for teens in mental health crises in The Hechinger Report  than…

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Gardening Is Good for Your Mental Health!

Our Mental Health Sadly, we are now reading, watching, and listening to issues that impact our mental health. Time in Our Gardens With all the sadness in the world, to keep myself and my husband mentally healthy we spend time tending, planting, and weeding the gardens and plants around our home. A Garden Poem for…

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Discover why you are missing hugs during COVID-19 and Social Distancing!

Are you missing a hug from a loved one, friend, neighbor, and/or colleague? Because of the Coronavirus many people are feeling stressed and missing healthy hugs, which are an emotional connection to others for humans, as well as some animals. I enjoyed  reading the newspaper article entitled: We’re Human, we have to hug, which caught…

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