Posts Tagged ‘green brainer’
To Honor My Father: Constructive Living Poem
This morning, I lit a Yahrzeit Candle in memory of my father, Alexander I. Newman. 35 years ago on March 30, 1977 my father passed away from coronary heart disease that he dealt with for over 20 years. He was 4 weeks short of his 74th birthday. At the time, I was a 32 year woman, daughter, wife and mother…
Read moreYour Personality & Motivation to keep New Year Resolutions
It is that time again! We resolve to make our possible Top Ten Resolutions for the New Year! How you make decision and are motivated to keep your 2012 Resolutions depends on your Brain Color Personality! Yellow Brainers: Make a list and develop a plan to keep their resolutions. They are motivated by a strong sense of accomplishment when their to-do list…
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