Refreshing Summer Recipe: A Glazov Family Favorite!

You know it is summertime in our home when the old Spinach Borscht pot comes out of the cabinet. My remarkable Green Brain mother-in-law, later lovingly referred to as “Grandma Lil,” gave me my 6-quart enameled Spinach Borscht pot as a bridal show gift, 53 years ago. My introduction to Spinach Borscht was in the…

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Refreshing Summer Spinach Borscht Recipe Is A Glazov Family Favorite!

You know it is summertime in our home when the old Spinach Borscht pot comes out of the cabinet. My remarkable Green Brain mother-in-law, later lovingly referred to as “Grandma Lil,” gave me my 6-quart enameled Spinach Borscht pot as a bridal show gift, 47 years ago. My introduction to Spinach Borscht was in the…

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Mother’s Wisdom and Gifts about Life and Death

One of my favorite poets, Frances Woodworth Howells wrote: “Life is sadly out of tune when memories must live with us too soon.” My life is tragically out of  tune and my “Blue Heart” has been breaking because our dear, sweet, intelligent, generous and loving cousin, Beverly Gibstein Glazov Berman passed away on November 11th. Beverly was not only…

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