Share Your Smile with Others

A gift from my beloved mother About 25 years ago, my mother gifted me a poem entitled SMILE. My mother had a beautiful smile that complimented her lovely face and beautiful auburn red hair. I have always been grateful and happy that I inherited the red hair gene from my mother. Now, that my hair…

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How I Discovered A Precious Treasure!

Searching for a document Last week, I was searching for a document that I thought was in a folder in my Princess Shayna files in my office. When I looked in the file drawer, I did not find the document. Instead, I found a multitude of folders filled with “Thank you” notes and letters. It…

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A Must-Read Novel for the Holidays that is Timely and Timeless!

Must-Read NovelIf you are looking for an extraordinary holiday gift for a bibliophile or someone who enjoys history, college memories, and/or life in “The South”, and/or a reader who would appreciate an engaging story, look no farther. I have the book for you! Timely and Timeless StoryCarol Owens Campbell’s authentic voice throughout Look Away No…

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The Gift in a Secret and Mysterious Little Brown Box!

Gift Boxes The holiday season has begun and seeing gift boxes and advertisements in the newspaper and on TV and social media, I was reminded of the Mysterious Little Brown Cardboard Box story in my family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense). The Mystery Begins It was the spring of 1961 and my…

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Keep looking… “If you’re aware, the gifts are there!”

The political campaigns, candidates, and their behavior are inundating the United States media, which led to a Brain Color discussion after my Silver Lotus Kundalini yoga (the yoga of awareness) practice, this morning. Chenoa, our yoga teacher, was talking about the lyrics: “Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of…

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A Beautiful and Fascinating Book Gift: “The Fine Art of Crochet”

On Tuesday, I received Gwen Blakley Kinsler’s Crochet Queen’s Royal Rambling blog post. Gwen was sharing information about her amazingly beautiful and well researched book, The Fine Art of Crochet, as a list minute Christmas Gift. I wrote about Gwen in my previous blog post: I Am A Blue Brain Hooker Who Is Hooked On…

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“Show Me How!”…This Book Is A Perfect Parent & Teacher Holiday Gift

I would like to introduce you to one of my author friends, Vivian Kirkfield, who is an educator, parenting speaker and children’s author.  I have asked Vivian to be a Holiday Guest Blogger and tell you about her award-winning book for parents and teachers of preschoolers, Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading,…

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A Brain Color Valentine’s Day Gift

Happy Brain Color Valentines Day! Today, I sent out my February 2012 BrainBuzz as a gift to my readers. Articles this month include: 1. The “Precious Gift of Self-Esteem”. Celebrate National Self-Esteem Month by acknowledging and enhancing your Brain Colors and other’s self-image. 2. Princess Shayna’s Recipe for Healthy Self-Esteem©. A Valentines Gift for adults and children today…

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