Celebrating Washington’s & Lincoln’s Birthdays & Brain Colors

When I was growing up we celebrated President George Washington’s Birthday on February 22nd  and President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated on February 12th. Our schools were closed on alternating years. If you wondering how their birthdays became a 3 day combined holiday weekend with retail store promoting special sales and government agencies, banks and schools being closed, read the history of  the President’s…

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A Brain Color Valentine’s Day Gift

Happy Brain Color Valentines Day! Today, I sent out my February 2012 BrainBuzz as a gift to my readers. Articles this month include: 1. The “Precious Gift of Self-Esteem”. Celebrate National Self-Esteem Month by acknowledging and enhancing your Brain Colors and other’s self-image. 2. Princess Shayna’s Recipe for Healthy Self-Esteem©. A Valentines Gift for adults and children today…

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