Posts Tagged ‘facebook’
New Book Coming Soon, Please “Like” My Facebook Author Page!
My Orange Brain is excited to tell you that I am writing my 6th book, which is business memoir. My Yellow Brain has been planning and organizing ideas for this book for several years. My Green Brain has been researching, writing, and adding my thought to my storyboards. Now, my Blue Brain is looking forward to…
Read moreMy Small Changes Will Make A Big Brain Color Difference For You!
Spring has arrived and I am immersed in Green Brain Technology and Small Changes that will make a BIG Brain Color Difference for you! ♦ The first Small Change that will help you is the new sign up form for my monthly BrainBuzz Newsletter that is filled with helpful “Brainbow” Brain Color Tips. The new…
Read moreResearch Discovery – New Way to Treat Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Wow, exciting diabetes research news! My cousin George has a Wonderfully Curious Green Brain. He recently sent me a fascinating article about Dr. Eli Lewis, a diabetes expert at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. “Through research, Dr. Lewis found a use for a safe and thoroughly tested drug, Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT). The FDA-approved protease inhibitor…
Read moreGet ready for Valentine’s Day…Radio Interview will help you discover your Romantic Personality Type!
Do you feel that your “soul mate” has become a “cell mate”? Are you concerned that the spark that ignited your positive attraction has fizzled into a negative reaction? You can learn why, tomorrow evening, Saturday, January 18th from 8:00pm-8:30pm Eastern Standard Time in the United States, when I will be a guest on the…
Read moreSimple Explanation for Gluten Problems
My Orange Brain is resourceful, which means I am always looking for new studies about gluten problems, sensitivity, and solutions. One of my resources is my subscription to the Kumbquat Blog and Facebook page. I like the recipes, however, my Blue Brain adapts the recipes because of the dairy and sugar ingredients and my allergies. Today,…
Read moreWhy do April, Newsletter, Neologism, Kites and Daffodils all have something in common?
April showers bring May flowers. I am hoping they do because we have been dangerously flood with showers in the Midwest region of the United States. My apologies for this delayed BrainBuzz Newsletter. I am grateful that I have been flooded with What Color Is Brain? and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift programs and book…
Read moreHonoring and Remembering Our Veterans on Veteran’s (Armistice) Day
When I was a child, the day to honor veterans was called Armistice Day. In 1921, Congress declares November 11th a legal Federal holiday to honor the soldiers who served in World War I. Because Armistice Day was a legal national holiday, schools were closed and we honored our veterans by going to our hometown…
Read moreBoost Your Brain Power with March BrainBuzz Newsletter
Breaking News…the March issue of my BrainBuzz is hot off my fingers tips! In this issue you can read about: 1. The “Exciting” Princess Shayna Musical, discover “Performers’” Brain Colors and see a list of all the previous Princess Shayan Musical blog posts. 2. My announcement about the new Princess Shayna Teacher Guide, which will be available in the next…
Read moreCommunicate and Collaborate to Brainstorm New Ideas
If you are going venture into creating new ideas, use your “Blue Brain” to communicate, collaborate and brainstorm with someone else. This morning, I was discussing over-due changes to my Facebook Fan Page with Jackie deBoer, my social media consultant. The more Jackie chatted about the much need changes to the Fan Page the more prolific our ideas to improve the page. This…
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