Posts Tagged ‘facebook fan page’
Sheila Glazov’s November BrainBuzz
On Tuesday, I sent out my November BrainBuzz Newsletter. If you missed your copy, click Sheila Glazov’s November BrainBuzz to read about: What’s New: Announcements about my books, how to “Like” my newly redesigned Facebook Fan Page, and information about subscribing to this Blog, if you are not a regular subscriber. A Time of Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving celebrations, traditions and a secret about my husband and I…
Read moreCommunicate and Collaborate to Brainstorm New Ideas
If you are going venture into creating new ideas, use your “Blue Brain” to communicate, collaborate and brainstorm with someone else. This morning, I was discussing over-due changes to my Facebook Fan Page with Jackie deBoer, my social media consultant. The more Jackie chatted about the much need changes to the Fan Page the more prolific our ideas to improve the page. This…
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