Posts Tagged ‘etiquette’
Word Wednesday – “Solecism”
“Solecism” is my word for WordWednesday. • Noun: 1. Deviating from the normal, accepted, or proper order 2. Ungrammatical combination of words 2. A minor blunder of speech 4. A lack of decorum or breach of etiquette • Usage: Sadly, we all are experiencing “Solecism” because of the Coronavirus. • Pronunciation – SAH-luh-siz-um • We all…
Read moreHonoring and Remembering Our Veterans on Veterans (Armistice) Day with High Flight Poem
I wrote this post in 2013 and felt it was appropriate to publish it again to honor and remember our veterans, my family members and friends. When I was a child, the day to honor veterans was called Armistice Day. In 1921, Congress declares November 11th a legal Federal holiday to honor the soldiers who…
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