Join an Exciting Global Education Chat for Students, Teachers and Parents – Building and Keeping Virtual Relationships!

GlobalEdSsChat My Orange Brain is excited to be a guest panelist for the GlobalEdSsChat for December 2020. The Topic will be: Building and Keeping Virtual Relationships. My friend and colleague, Leigh Cassel, who is the founder of the Digital Human Library, asked me to share my Brain Color concepts with the students. Chat questions The…

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Happy Spring – March 2013 BrainBuzz Newsletter

Tomorrow is the first Day of Spring! After a long Chicago winter I am looking forward to reading, working and enjoying  in my garden. I find that the following simple gardening equation works for me in every facet of my life. Planting + Pruning = Profusion! I trust that my March BrainBuzz Newsletter will offer a variety of ways to Plant, Prune and…

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