Posts Tagged ‘daffodils’
The Daffodil Principle That Will Change Your Life!
Spring Time Hurrah! Spring is attempting to arrive in Chicago! I decided to share this story, when I saw how profusely my daffodils were in bloom today. Brain Color Clues I am an avid Blue Brain Gardener and this thought-provoking story is one of my favorites. It is rather long, but I promise, is worth…
Read moreWhy do April, Newsletter, Neologism, Kites and Daffodils all have something in common?
April showers bring May flowers. I am hoping they do because we have been dangerously flood with showers in the Midwest region of the United States. My apologies for this delayed BrainBuzz Newsletter. I am grateful that I have been flooded with What Color Is Brain? and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift programs and book…
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