Discover How to Invest in Yourself for the New Year!

A New Year Investment As the new year begins, I have decided to invest in myself in several ways. Financial Investment I have decided to work with Alexandra Mazanke. My Green Brain is very excited to be working with Alexndra, who a trustworthy, knowledgeable, and accomplished young woman! I am learning about stocks, mutual funds…

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Word Wednesday – “Afflatus”

“Afflatus” is my word for #WordWednesday Noun: Rush of divine or creative impulse or poetic inspiration Usage:  She had a sudden “Afflatus” about the title for her new book. Pronunciation:  – əˈflādəs Have you recently experienced an “Afflatus” in your life?   My family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on Remember: 10% of royalties from…

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