Discover Tips About How Different Personalities Are Prepared

How Do You Prepare? I was speaking to a client about being prepared and we discussed how people and their Brain Colors prepare for different responsibilities and activities in their lives, especially with travel, events, and activities during the summer months. Brain Colors Preparedness People with Yellow Brains prepare by making a plan and/or lists…

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Word Wednesday – “Trenchant”

“Trenchant“ is my word for WordWednesday. Adjective: Vigorous, cutting, piercing, sharp, blistering, or incisive manner or style of communication. Usage: I observed that the some of the Democratic candidates had a “Trenchant” communication style during the debate, last night. Pronunciation – tren(t)SHənt Was there a candidate that you thought was more  “Trenchant“ than the others,…

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10 Clues for Sincere Listening to Improve Your Communication Skills

This afternoon, I was researching a photo to use for an appropriate slide in new What Color Is Your Brain? presentation. I clicked on Google Images and typed “people listening senior” in the search space. To my surprise, most of the photo were seniors wearing headphones, ear buds, or holding a boom box.  It seems…

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4 Secrets to Successful 46 Year Marriage!

Today, my husband Jordan and I are joyfully celebrating our 46th Wedding Anniversary. This morning, we enjoyed a “love”ly conversation about the past 46 years and what we did to create a successful marriage! We decided on the following simple 4 C’s: 1. Chemistry between us 2. Counting on each other 3. Caring for one another 4. Communicating…

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Personality Types & Communication Breakdown

We always hear that people have significant problems in their relationships because of a break down and/or lack of communication. The biggest challenge is between the Blue Brainers and the Green Brainers. Blue Brainer prefer to speak to someone in person, over the phone or possibly on Skype. They often become frustrated with Green Brainers who…

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Bibliotherapy – Children Relate to Story Characters

In the recent second edition of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, I included an introduction, which contains valuable information to help readers gain a better understanding of how to use the book before they begin their journey with Princess Shayna. Below are excerpts from the the introduction, which begins with a whimsical illustration of Sarah Spundah telling readers to STOP and read her important messages! “I am…

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