Posts Tagged ‘collaboration’
Announcing My New: What Color Is Your Brain?® Train the Trainer Program!
Exciting New Program My Orange Brain is excited to share my Grand news: I am developing a What Color Is Your Brain?® Train the Trainer Program! 30+ Years of Work My Yellow Brain has been organizing 30+ years of handouts, workbooks, PowerPoint slides, workshop acitities, and pre and post planning documents! Clients It has been…
Read moreInclusion and Diveristy Lessons – Learn to be an ALLY!
Department of the Interior I have been developing a What Color Is Your Brain?® Program for the Department of the Interior’s Ally and Enrichment Week (WEEW) 2022. I have been honored to work with Patricia Jones, who is the founder of (WEEW) and the Program Coordinator, Diversity Change Agent, DCA Recruiter and Facilitator at Department…
Read moreBuilding A Strong Collaborative Community: Princess Shayna Musical
5. Students Plan, Compose & Connect Emotions to Music & Lyrics: Princess Shayna Musical Yesterday, I sent out my March BrainBuzz Newsletter and was delighted to receive copious congratulations and lovely inquiries about attending the Princess Shayna Musical in May. Now, I am eager to share this 6th Journal entry/blog post from Kim Woycke, the “Blue Brain“ Director Extraordinaire of the…
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