I Became An “Author Orphan”!!

An “Author Orphan” On April 10th, I was shocked to learn that my publisher, since 2006, was closing their book department. I had just become an “Author Orphan”. I felt like an orphan who does not have any surviving parent to care for them. I no longer had a publisher to take care of me…

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“I am a Hebrew” written by my father Alexander I. Newman (of blessed memory)

My father’s essay “Ivre Anoche”—”I am a Hebrew” came to mind, yesterday, as the world marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet Army in 1945 and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The essay was written in 1938 before the horrors of the Holocaust and Hitler’s systematic “Final Solution” (1933-1945) were widely…

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Want to achieve your 2016 Goals? Read the January BrainBuzz Newsletter and discover how Disney Storyboarding, a Positive Attitude, Motivation, and Inspiration will help you!

 The new year is a time when most people utilize their Yellow Brains to set new personal and/or professional goals. My January “Achieve Your Goals” 2016 BrainBuzz Newsletter will offer you Blue Brain Helpful Ideas that you can implement to be successful. You will learn about: 1. The Walt Disney’s Storyboarding technique that use your…

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The Blessing of a “Blind Date” 50 Years Ago on Thanksgiving!

It was 50 years ago, on Thanksgiving, that I went to a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game after our family Thanksgiving dinner with my friend, her fiancé , and a “Blind Date” they fixed me up with. 50 years later, I will be serving Thanksgiving dinner and enjoying holiday with my husband Jordan, my “Blind Date”, who…

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7 Cold Weather Stress and Safety Tips from OSHA

I hope everyone enjoyed a joyful Holiday Season and New Year Celebration! Best Wishes for a grand 2014! The New Year in much of the United States has experience frigid temperatures. The below zero weather and snow in the Chicagoland area has closed schools, strangled traffic, and curtailed hours of operation for businesses.  To my…

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Grandmothers Concerned About Clean Air

In February, my blog mentor Karen Hanrahan referred me to Lori Popewitz Alper founder and Editor-In-Chief of Groovy Green Livin™ . Lori was looking for grandmothers to share their hopes and dreams for their grandchildren with regard to clean air. This request resonated with me for two reasons. 1. I suffered from Asthma as a child. I know how scary it is…

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