Posts Tagged ‘brain’
My Book Becomes A Fantastic “Princess Shayna Musical” Collaborative Workshop Experience!
Princess Shayna Workshop Sessions Yesterday and today, I had the privilage of attending the 3 hour workshop sessions for the Princesss Shayna Musical production that will perferformed at the Raue Center, in Crystal Lake, Illinois, on this coming Friday, August 5th, at 7:00pm. Musical Production Billy Seger, who is an education instructor at the Raue…
Read moreInclusion and Diveristy Lessons – Learn to be an ALLY!
Department of the Interior I have been developing a What Color Is Your Brain?® Program for the Department of the Interior’s Ally and Enrichment Week (WEEW) 2022. I have been honored to work with Patricia Jones, who is the founder of (WEEW) and the Program Coordinator, Diversity Change Agent, DCA Recruiter and Facilitator at Department…
Read moreHow Do You Practice: “Do The Right Thing”?
Life-Long Lesson Today’s post is from my family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense), which is my 6th book. “Do the Right Thing!” is a life-long lesson children are hopefully taught and carry with them into adulthood. With the world turned upside down with the war in Ukraine, COVID, the US economy this…
Read moreCelebrate Valentine’s Day with Helpful and Fun Insights into Your Romantic Relationship!
Your Positive Attraction Do you ever feel that your “soul mate” has become a “cell mate”? Are you concerned that the spark that ignited your positive attraction might have fizzled into a negative reaction? Understanding Your Romantic Relationship A multitude of factors can agitate your personal security and relationships. However, understanding you Brain Color attitude…
Read moreCelebrating “Thanksnukah” With Our Family!
Thanksgiving Celebration Jordan and I are delighted that we can host our traditional family Thanksgiving celebration in our home, this year! Chanukah Celebration This year Chanukah begins on Sunday, November 28 and ends in the evening of Monday, December 6. A “Thanksnukah” Celebration Since both holiday are so close together we have decided to double…
Read moreLearn Tips to Successfully Collaborate With Each Brain Color Personality!
Brain Book for Managers In my new book, What Color Is Your Brain?® When Managing People and Project that I am writing, Chapter 9 is entitled: Collaborate to Build Rapport with Team Members and Stakeholders. Collaboration is a high prioroty for my Brain Brain! Collaborative Working I think of Collaborative Working as a variation of…
Read moreDiscover Negotiating Tips for a Win-Win with Each Brain Color Personality!
Writing Chapters I have been writing new chapters for my next book. As I wrote in my June 22nd blog post My 7th Book… Is It For You? – Sheila Glazov, the book is for anyone who manages people and projects in a workplace, at home, or in a community environement. New Book Title I…
Read moreWow! Over 35,000 “What Color Is Your Brain?” Books Sold!
Happy Book Birthday! What Color Is Your Brain?® was published in 2007. I always think of its birthday in October. It is hard to believe that my book is 14 years old this month! Printing Last week, my aquisition editor Brien Cummings sent me an email that said: “We are in the process of stocking…
Read moreMy Secrets To Discover Buried Treasures In Your Office!
Yellow Brain Clean Up Plan Today, I am continuing my Yellow Brain Clean Up My Office Plan to clean out the large file drawers in my office. I began last Friday, worked through last weekend, and continuing this week. My Goal My goal is to complete this project and then begin writing my new book,…
Read moreHow Can You Trim Things Back In Your Life To Be Happier and Healthier?
Trimming Back My Gardens Today, I spent the morning and early afternoon trimming back the dead and browned out flowers from our perennial flower gardens. It was a tedious and time consuming job. However, now I feel a sense of accomplishment that the gardens look well trimmed and pretty again. My Beloved Father’s Garden Shears…
Read moreIs Your Brain “Pot-bound”?
How Does Your Brain Feel? Do you every feel like your brain is bound up and your thoughts are going in circles? I thought about this metaphor, today while I was transplanting 3 of my Christmas Cactus plants that I have had for 20 years. Encircling Your Brain? When I took the plants out of…
Read more“Kindness Is A Lifestyle”
A Helpful Quote This morning, I received a “Daily Does” email from Joe Fermano. The message read; “Kindness is not an act. It’s a lifestyle.” The quote is from Anthony Douglass. Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift This quote immediately made me think of my children’s book Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. My family fairy tale is…
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