NO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense) Update #2 and Cover!

TA-DA! Time for another NO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense) update. My Orange Brain is excited to display my new book cover.  Chris Geimer of Chris Geimer Design created the perfect book cover that also incorporates business memoir color details from the book. Below is the second section of the NO BUNK, Just BS Introduction that will give…

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Add Memory to Your Heart, Not to Your Devices!

While writing my business memoir, NO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense), I have enjoyed the privilege and pleasure of  listening to and reading copious individuals’ professional and personal reminiscences. My Blue Heart has been touched by the significant memories people hold in their hearts about their jobs, co-workers, and family members. All their memories brought the following thought…

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Proven Tips to Make Strategic Planning and Problem Solving Easier!

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure and the privilege of facilitating an all-day story boarding creative problem solving session with the board of directors and staff of the American Board for Occupational Health Nurses, Inc., (ABOHN), which is the sole certification agency committed to advance Board Certification for Occupational Health Nurses. The Executive Director, Denise Knoblauch, BSN, RN, COHN-S/CM,…

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Mother’s Day Reflections about Your Relationship with Your Mother

Yesterday, all over the world, people celebrated and honored the “mothers” in their lives. The celebrations varied depending on the country and cultural traditions. Children’r relationships with their mothers also differs depending on their Brain Colors! Understanding yours and your mother’s Brain Color attributes and abilities influence your ability to easily resolve conflicts and create…

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Listen To My Brain Color Radio Interview About Spring & Summer Family Celebrations!

This afternoon, I enjoyed another delightful radio interview with Patricia Raskin on her VoiceAmerica Patricia Raskin Show. Listen to the radio show interview! Patricia and I discussed the four Brain Colors, how they impact people’s lives, and how each Brain Color responds positively and reacts negatively to spring and summer events, such as graduations, Mother’s Day,…

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Do You Find Making Decisions Stressful?

Making a decision can be a stressful experience depending on your Brain Color Personality and  other people’s points of view. Roy Disney said, “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” Knowing your Brian Colors makes it easier to recognize your values and make decisions. Every day, we confront issues…

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Spring Cleaning in the Garden Teaches Life Lessons!

Mother Nature teaches us valuable life lessons each spring. Living in the Chicagoland area  offers me the beauty, bounties, and benefits of the autumn, winter, spring, and summer seasons. After a snowy and cold winter, I am always eager for spring cleaning in my gardens. Below are my Brain Color Life Lessons that my garden…

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Why do people worry and what do they worry about?

Do you wonder why people worry and what they worry about? This morning, I thought about those questions when I read Joe Fermano’s Daily Dose Quote “Be a warrior, not a worrier.” by William Wallace from Joe’s inspiring book Quotes for Life & Words to Live By. Joe’s quote got my Green Brain thinking about what cause…

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Surprising Facts About How Many Books People Read A Year!

Are you a book lover? I am! I am a voracious reader who has always lived in a home were books were treasured and enjoyed. For years, my husband and I have watched or record the CBS Sunday Morning News show. A few weeks ago, the following “How many books a year to you read?”…

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Thankful for the “LIKES” on my Facebook Sheila Glazov Author Page!

I am thankful for everyone who contributed their “Like” to my Sheila Glazov Author Facebook Page! I was delighted with all the responses and “Likes.” More “Likes” would also be appreciated, if you missed my New Book blog post, last Tuesday. I had asked people to click on my Sheila Glazov Author Facebook Page link and “Like” my Facebook Author Page!  I explained…

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New Book Coming Soon, Please “Like” My Facebook Author Page!

My Orange Brain is excited to tell you that I am writing my 6th book, which is business memoir. My Yellow Brain has been planning and organizing ideas for this book for several years. My Green Brain has been researching, writing, and adding my thought to my storyboards. Now, my Blue Brain is looking forward to…

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