Celebrate A Happy Administrative Professionals Day and Week!

Administrative Professionals Day Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 21st is Administrative Professionals Day. It is a day observed yearly in a small number of countries. This day is not a public holiday. However, in some countries, it falls within Administrative Professionals Week. History Admin Professionals Day has been celebrated since 1952. Then is was referred to as…

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“A Woman of Valor” to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Honoring Women Yesterday was International Women’s Day. A day to establish a gender equal world; celebrate women’s achievement; raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality. It was a day to honor the women in our lives, our communities, countries, and around the world! A Woman of Valor I have always love the Proverbs…

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Word Wednesday – “Tyro”

Word Wednesday • “Tyro” is my word for WordWednesday Definition • Noun: A novice, a new student, or beginner in learning Pronunciation • Pronunciation – TYE-roh Usage • The boy’s father was delighted watching his tiny “Tyro” learning how to ride his bike! Closing Question • Do you find being a “Tyro” daunting or delightful? That depends on…

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What Sparks ignite your STRESS?

News and Stress It seems that everyone is talking about the stress they are experiencing. My neighbor and I were discussing  how the daily news about the Coronavirus, the economy, demonstrations, deaths, students remote learning at home, and the 2020 election can spark and ignite an individual’s stress level. Social media, newspapers, radio programs, blogs, and…

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2020 Presidential Candidates’ Brain Color Personalities Can Influence Your Vote!

Past Presidential Candidates’ Brain Color Personalities There are only 77 days until November 3rd—Election Day 2020.  I have been determining the candidates’ Brain Colors since Presidential Election of 2000. That was the contested (hanging chads) election when Al Gore, a Green Brainer  and Joe Lieberman, a Blue Brainer ran against George W. Bush, an Orange…

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Is your attitude: The Glass 1/2 Full, 1/2 Empty, or Something Else?

Full, Empty or Overflowing? People talk about their glass being 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty. However, my childhood friend Helene describe her glass as filled to the top and with bubbles overflowing the rim of the glass. Helene says, “You must keep your own glass not only full, but overflowing so you have all of…

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Discover why you are missing hugs during COVID-19 and Social Distancing!

Are you missing a hug from a loved one, friend, neighbor, and/or colleague? Because of the Coronavirus many people are feeling stressed and missing healthy hugs, which are an emotional connection to others for humans, as well as some animals. I enjoyed  reading the newspaper article entitled: We’re Human, we have to hug, which caught…

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