Think About Your Mocking Judgements

“You mock the things you are to be, so judge them very carefully!” My warning recently came to mind when I pulled my blue jeans out of the washer and discovered they were covered with copious wet Kleenex snowflakes. My Orange Brain laughed, as my Green Brain reminisced about  lovingly teasing my Yellow/Blue Brain mother…

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What Do Diabetes,Thanksgiving, Buckwheat & Book Reviews Have In Common?

Hot off the keys of my computer is the November BrianBuzz Newsletter. This month’s BrainBuzz includes articles about: 1. National Diabetes Awareness Month and World Diabetes Day Learn about the two types of diabetes,  T1D and T2D, and how you can support efforts to find a cure! 2. Thanksgiving Traditions and Personality Traits Understand how…

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Why Does Your Brain Color Personality Influence How You Vote?

Today, is the long awaited Election Day in the United States. My husband and I were Yellow Brain Voters and promptly cast our ballot early, two weeks ago when our township office opened their voting facility. I think that our Brain Color Personalities affect our voting and the article in the  2008 -Psychology  Today magazine…

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In Need Of A Better Frame Of Brain!

I planned on writing a post today. However, I have spent the last 6 hours on the phone with Comcast about phone and email service and then iYogi to fix my Outlook program. It was all about Green technology action and reaction! Sorry, but my Brain Colors are exhausted, exasperated, frazzled and fizzled However, I…

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Please, Edit The Words You Write and Speak!

I know my Blue Brain often is too creative and misspells words. However, not using the Precise Green and Correct Yellow definition of a word drives me and some of my fellow author’s crazy! My Green/Yellow Editor’s Brain gets a “Wacky Word Workout” when I read what others write and listen to them speak. This…

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Do You Think Children’s Stories Are Stupid And Illogical?

This morning, before our Blue Brain Relaxing Yoga class began, a few of the women were chatting with one another. One of the  women, who I suspected was a Green Brainer, confirmed my suspicion with her comment about a children’s book and a fairy tale. She told us, “I hated Charlotte’s web and thought a…

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Writer Gone Fishing For Words and Ideas

This is a beautiful time of year to enjoy a “Writer’s Retreat”! Yom Kippur begins tonight, and I am making Yellow Brain Preparations for the holiday and a “Writer’s Retreat”. I will not be trawling for fish. However, I will be fishing for words and ideas, and not writing any blog post. My Yellow Brain is…

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The Secret Answer For Saying “NO!”

Depending on your Brain Color Personalty, saying “No” might be more difficult for you than other Brain Colors. Yellow Brain people do want to be impolite by saying “No”. Doing the right thing is a priority for them. Blue Brain people want to be helpful and not hurt another person’s feelings by saying “No”.  They…

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Children’s Books Give You A Different Perspective

Today, I was putting the Yellow Brain finishing touches on my What Color Is Your Brain? Teamwork PowerPoint presentation for 40 teacher and staff members at the Advocate Condell Day Center for Inter-generational Care. Yesterday, I was speaking to Educational Consultant, Jana Crosby and when she mentioned the wonderful picture book, Duck! Rabbit! by Amy…

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Test of Time Mission Statement – No Bunk

Today’s  post is the 2nd of my new “No Bunk”  (no nonsense) business series. Each post will come from the collection of HI-LITER Newsletters from the Lab-Line Instruments, Inc., the laboratory instrument business my father and mother founded in 1952. You can read the genesis of  “No Bunk” in the  June 25th Blog Post. When…

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Conserving Your Brain Color Energy

Drought conditions and the lack of rain is stress the people and farmland in the much of the United States. It has been an unusual summer and my gardens are also suffering from the unusually dry and hot weather. One of my personal mantras is: “If you are aware, the gift is there. You may…

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