Posts Tagged ‘blue brain’
Word Wednesday – “Pandiculation”
It’s Wednesday and time for your 2nd WordWednesday post. “Pandiculation” is my word for WordWednesday. Noun: Pan-dik-yuh-ley-shuh n – A particular sleepy combination of yawning and stretching. Usage: Do you think “Pandiculation” feels good when you get out of bed? Pronunciation: Your Orange Brain will have Fun asking other people if they enjoy “Pandiculation”! I hope…
Read moreA Happy 22nd Birthday for My Children’s Brain Color Fairy Tale!
Last Saturday, on February 2nd, my children Brain Color Fairy Tale celebrated her 22nd birthday. The first edition of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift was published in 1997 and the 2nd edition was published in 2011. Princes Shayna is the fairy tale version of What Color Is Your Brain?. 10% of the royalties from Shayna’s Invisible…
Read moreWord Wednesday – “Pogonotrophy”
Today, I used my Green Technical Brain to solve the timing problem for my blog posts. This was a huge achievement for a Blue Creative Brain. As an author, I am fascinated by words. I wanted to add my successful #WordWednesday posts, which I have been posting on all my social media sites, to my blog. It…
Read moreWhat Personality Types Loves Their Job?
People often declare how much they love their partners, children, parents, family members, vacations, books, hobbies, sports, and many other activities. But how often do you hear people proclaim how much they love their job? The following anecdote is from my family business memoir, No Bunk Just BS (Business Sense) Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot…
Read moreRemembering and Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I believe, that Dr. Martin Luther King’s words should be remembered as a mantra to end hatred and bigotry that have surfaced and become pervasive, not only in the United States, but around the world. My memory of the Civil Rights Movement is vivid and the TV, radio, and newspaper coverage still resonates with me. How…
Read moreAre You A Person of Excellence, Leadership, and/or Encouragement Who Improves People’s Lives?
Do you ever wonder if your sense of excellence, encouragement and/or leadership can improve other people’s lives in your family, workplace, school and/or community? Your Green Brain may contemplate this questions, when you think about your personal and professional life experiences, or when your read an article in a book or newspaper, and/or watch or listen to the…
Read moreAcrostic Poem Wishes for A Happy New Year!
Have you ever created an acrostic poem? Or maybe you have never heard of an acrostic poem, which is a type of poetry where the first, last, or other letters are designed in a vertical or horizontal line spelling a specific phrase or words. The most well-known and simplest acrostic poem is one that uses…
Read moreLet the Holiday Season Begin with Hassle-Free Holidays Tips for Harmonious Preparations and Celebrations!
During the holiday season, do you ever wonder why some individuals in your personal and/or professional life resemble people on a Disney World dream vacation brochure or on the “most wanted” listings at your local post office? You can enjoy your family members, colleagues, and friends during the holiday season with less stress and more harmony…
Read moreTips to Make a Book Launch Joyfully Success!
If you want to enjoy a successfully joyful book launch, use all your “Brainbow” attributes and abilities! My Yellow Brain sent out “save the date” and Evite invitation emails for my No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) Book Launch, a month ahead of time. I also collaborated with the remarkable staff at Arboria of Long Grove who helped to …
Read more“Learning Is Sweet!” – A Family Tradition!
On Sunday afternoon, our family gathered on our porch for an Orange Brain Fun Celebration of the first week of school and our daughter-in-law Sheryl’s birthday. The beginning of the school year always evokes a copious memories from my childhood, my teaching career, and our sons’ experiences from nursery school (that is what it was called…
Read moreHow to Solve the Mystery of Writing a Book?
I find it fascinating that so many people are eager to know how an author writes a book. On Sunday, I enjoyed attending Laurie Buchanan’s exciting outdoor book signing event for her splendid new book, The Business of Being: Soul Purpose In and Out of the Workplace. Several attendees asked Laurie questions about how her writing…
Read morePractice Winnie the Pooh’s Advice About Doing Nothing!
On Sunday, I went to see the Christopher Robin film with one of our sons and his family. I loved every moment of the movie, including the characters, messages, production, and, of course, Winnie the Pooh’s quotes from the Winnie the Pooh books that were written by A. A. Milne. Since, we all were relaxing…
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