I Became An “Author Orphan”!!

An “Author Orphan” On April 10th, I was shocked to learn that my publisher, since 2006, was closing their book department. I had just become an “Author Orphan”. I felt like an orphan who does not have any surviving parent to care for them. I no longer had a publisher to take care of me…

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Happy Children’s Book Week and An International Writing Challenge!

Children’s Book Week Children’s Book Week is an annual celebration of books for young people, which encourages the joy of reading! Celebration This celebration was established in 1919. It is the longest-running Ameriacan national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, young people across the United States participate by attending events at schools, libraries, bookstores,…

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A Surprising Secret to Writing a Book!

How to write a book I find it fascinating that so many people are eager to know how an author writes a book. Reasons for writing a book People seem to be curious about an author’s writing process for various reason. Below are just a few: 1. They want to write a book. 2. They…

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The #1 Secret for Writing a Book!

Why write a book I find it fascinating that so many people are eager to know how an author writes a book. They are curious for many reason. Below are just a few: 1. They want to write a book. 2. They are thinking about writing a book. 3. They don’t know how to begin…

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Students Love Learning and Sharing their Personality Discoveries!

Last Friday, I enjoyed a color-filled Princess Shayna Author Visit with a group of 3rd graders, who read my Brain Color fairy tale this past semester for their enrichment program. My friend Laura Newcomer, who is an  Instructional Coach, and her colleague Kim Miller, who is the Information Literacy & Enrichment Teacher, arranged a grand…

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Writing A Family Business Memoir!

My Orange Brain is excited to give you a clue to the title of my new family business memoir, which fits into the “Profiles in Business” bookstore category. The clue is: No Bunk. In other words, No Nonsense. This writing project is incorporating and utilizing all my Brain Colors: My Yellow Brain Organizational skills to place…

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Surprising Facts About How Many Books People Read A Year!

Are you a book lover? I am! I am a voracious reader who has always lived in a home were books were treasured and enjoyed. For years, my husband and I have watched or record the CBS Sunday Morning News show. A few weeks ago, the following “How many books a year to you read?”…

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Thankful for the “LIKES” on my Facebook Sheila Glazov Author Page!

I am thankful for everyone who contributed their “Like” to my Sheila Glazov Author Facebook Page! I was delighted with all the responses and “Likes.” More “Likes” would also be appreciated, if you missed my New Book blog post, last Tuesday. I had asked people to click on my Sheila Glazov Author Facebook Page link and “Like” my Facebook Author Page!  I explained…

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New Book Coming Soon, Please “Like” My Facebook Author Page!

My Orange Brain is excited to tell you that I am writing my 6th book, which is business memoir. My Yellow Brain has been planning and organizing ideas for this book for several years. My Green Brain has been researching, writing, and adding my thought to my storyboards. Now, my Blue Brain is looking forward to…

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