Superb Email Marketing Newsletter Service with Go-Daddy

Yesterday, I sent out my 2nd Go-Daddy Email Marketing Newsletter.

I was so delighted that I switch over to their program. All I had to was click on “copy” from my August BrainBuzz Newsletter and there was the new one ready to format. I didn’t not have to go back to an original template and change the colors and format, which I had to do with the previous newsletter provider.

I cannot say enough about the the superb email newsletter service I received from the Go-Daddy staff. Sean Cramer, Raj Nijjer and Tani Wiggins were extraordinary. They listened to my questions, promptly responded to my emails and made sure I received the help I requested or they thought I need.

In fact, Tani stayed on the phone with my yesterday and figuratively held my hand as I went through the final steps to send out my September BrainBuzz.

This morning, I had many email waiting in my in-box with lovely comments from my readers.

The September BrainBuzz includes:

1. September A Month to Remember: Remembering 9-11, loved ones and friends with beautiful poem entitled, “We Will Remember”

2. What’s NEW: Grand news about my books and greeting for the Jewish New Year for a “Good and Sweet New Year

3. Wet Paint: How to make healthy decisions when your Brain Color is Shadowed and you feel like “Wet Paint”.

4. Brain Color POV: The “Green Brainers” POV or Point Of View about themselves and the other Brain Colors.

Happy Reading!

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