Students Create Their Own Kingdom of Kindness – Princess Shayna Musical

3. Auditions, Rehearsal, Casting & Music – Princess Shayna Musical

This is the 4rd Journal entry/blog post from Kim Woycke“Blue Brain” Director Extraordinaire of the Princess Shayna Musical.

This week I was really excited for rehearsal.  Thanks to Sheila’s networking, we were able to add two wonderful additions to the cast, Tristin and Sidney!  Both girls have wonderful talents and great ideas, and I think they will make a wonderful addition to our group.  I am especially excited because Sidney is in High School, and has decided to take on a leadership role as an assistant director.  I am thrilled to have an extra hand to help out (and another creative eye!).  Because we are creating this entire show, it will definitely prove helpful to have someone else to delegate some of the “directorial” tasks to!  Plus, it will allow us to take everything to another, higher, level!

I was thrilled to see how accepting our current group was of our two new members.  They truly exemplified the themes of the book when they embraced our newest additions.  I was especially touched when I asked for some assistance in providing a role for Tristin.  Because we have already done most of our casting, I asked if there was anyone who had an idea of how we could provide a role for Tristin.  I asked if there was anyone who was cast as two characters, who wouldn’t mind giving up one of their characters.  Celia, who plays Sarah Spundah volunteered to give up her other role as Lord Shunjato.  This was so kind, and really will work wonderfully for the production, as Sarah Spundah fits great into the Gift Givers Scene as well, so both actors will have the opportunity to be onstage at that time.  So Bravo to Celia and the rest of the cast for being so welcoming!

This week I wanted to dive right into creation, as I was feeling a little behind from last week.  Although we accomplished so much last week, there are 15 Chapters in Princess Shyna’s Invisible Visible Gift and we don’t have that many weeks!  So I know that there are several weeks where I want to block more than one Chapter.  Plus, we needed to complete all of our staging a half hour early for our surprise guests.. 🙂

The great news is, the cast completely jumped up to the challenge. We got right to work.  Thanks to the addition of Sydney, we were able to divide and concur, and were able to block and write Scenes 2 and 3 fully!  Wow!  We now have 7 typed pages of our script!

At 5:30, we welcomed two specials guests into our rehearsal.  The REAL Princess Shayna (our author, Sheila) and the REAL White Falcon (her husband Jordan).  The cast was so excited to meet them!  We sat in a circle and spent some time getting to know each other.  We went around the room and introduced each actor, the character they play, and their brain color.  As we went character to character, Sheila was so kind and explained to each actor the personal significance of their character.  I could tell that the actors really enjoyed this, and I am sure it will provide them so much inspiration as we continue to move forward with our show.  After we discussed the characters, our cast was itching to share some of our work for our guests.  We set the stage and performed Scene 1.  We would have performed more, but time is our biggest obstacle with this show…. so Sheila will have to wait and be surprised at another time 🙂

Next week we’re really going to dive into some music creation, and I can’t wait to see what we come up with!”

 2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical

1. Princess Shayna: A New & Original Children’s Musical

Sarah Spundah the Silver Spider encourage you to subscribe to Sheila’s blog and her BrainBuzz Newsletter if you enjoyed reading this Princess Shayna Musical blog post and want to reading more.

Sarah Spundah says, “Don’t forget, 10% of the royalties from the sale of Sheila’s books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .”

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  1. Laurie Buchanan on March 6, 2012 at 8:17 am

    You never cease to amaze me; just when I think it’s at the top — it gets even better!

    • sheila on March 6, 2012 at 9:48 am

      Laurie, I feel the same way. The students and Kim never stop amazing me. The students are so incredible. I am always eager to read Kim’s journal and share it with my friends. Thank you for your encouraging friendship and support! I am most grateful. I hope you will continue to share this grand news with your network. 🙂

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  6. […] 4. Students Create Their Own Kingdom of Kindness – Princess Shayna Musical […]

  7. […] 4. Students Create Their Own Kingdom of Kindness – Princess Shayna Musical […]

  8. […] 4. Students Create Their Own Kingdom of Kindness – Princess Shayna Musical […]

  9. […] 4. Students Create Their Own Kingdom of Kindness – Princess Shayna Musical […]

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