Stress Less With Brain Color Personality Holiday Tip #1

Stress Less Holiday Tips
From the decorations in our neighborhoods and communities, the adds in the newspaper and online, and comments like: “Yikes, I’m already stressing out!”, I think the Holiday Season has begun. To help you enjoy the season of celebrations a little more hassle-free, my “Blue Brain” thought it would be helpful to post “Brain Color Stress Less Holiday Tips” for the next few weeks.
How To Think About Visiting Relatives
Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw said, “When our relatives are at home, we have to think of all their good points or it would be impossible to endure them.”
When your relatives come home for the holidays do you think they resemble the people on a Disney World dream vacation brochure or the “most wanted” listings at your local post office? You can enjoy your relatives and those celebrations with less stress, the appropriate gifts, and more time for fun if you understand the Brain Colors of everyone involved, including your own.
Stress Less Brain Color Personality Tips
Yellow Brainers feel stressed if they do not have time to plan and purchase the “right” gift for each person on their list. Now you can appreciate cousin Marilyn’s Yellow Brain requirement to purchase “the perfect present” for each member of your family.
Blue Brainers feel stressed if they are lonesome for family members and friends. Buying a gift for Aunt Sylvia, a Blue Brainer, who loves collecting loved one’s photos will be much easier. Now that you know she is Blue, your gift can surround her with love and smiling faces.
Green Brainers feel stressed if they do not have time away from festivities, family members and friends. You will understand that Uncle Al, a Green Brainer, is not the curmudgeon you thought he was, he’s just Green and needs some time alone!
Orange Brainers feel stressed if they have too many obligations and not enough time for fun. JB, your Orange Brain friend is sure to be thrilled with his new ice hockey equipment and will immediately want to hit the ice and have some Orange fun!
Closing Thought
We all handle the holiday season differently. Different customs and traditions can create joy and/or upsets. Remember that the season is meant to be one of celebration and cheer, not sadness and stress. Knowing your Brain Colors and understanding other people’s Brain Colors will help to make the holiday memorable and enjoyable!
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