Spring Fun At Our House

Today, I felt like Spring had finally arrived at our house.

My “Yellow Brain” began “Spring Cleaning” in one of the bedrooms our “Brazilians” vacated when they moved from our home into theirs!

My “Blue Brain” loved hearing the Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, our Illinois State Bird, singing, while we enjoyed our dinner on our 3 season porch, which we loving call the “Newman Porch.” Why that name? Because my maiden name is Newman and the wonderful home I grew up in had a porch that our family loved, just as much as the “Glazov Family” loves ours.

My “Green Brain” began researching vegetable container gardening for my tomatoes, peppers and herbs. I’m tired of  spraying my plants and putting up obstacles to deter the deer! A loosing battle!

My “Orange Brain” had as much fun as Elmo laughing and playing in the front yard and garden, gliding and having a snack on the front porch swing and taking a walk through the neighborhood with our grandchildren. Our daughter-in-law surprised us with a family visit this afternoon!

Happy Spring Time!

I’m off to the porch to finish reading my book… Good Night

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