Solve the mystery of why people find change frightening!

Did you know that some people find change frightful!

My dear friend Doug Gustafson made a fascinating Brain Color comment, which is the genesis of this post. Doug said, “You are what you have to be.”

This statement requires an individual to change their Brain Color personality and the situation they are experiencing.

Below are examples from my original What Color Is Your Brain?®  book in Chapter 14 – You Can Change Your Brain Color.



Yellow Brainers can change in a:
• Yellow, well-organized situation.
Blue situation that encourages a traditional, family-type atmosphere.
Green situation that maintains systematic routine.
Orange situation that has a game plan.

Blue Brainers can dhange in a:
• Blue environment that is friendly.
Yellow environment that has day care for their children.
Green environment that appreciates their authenticity.
Orange environment that acknowledges their social contributions to the group.

Green Brainers can change in a:
• Green setting that is efficient.
Yellow setting that values consistent quality.
Blue setting with smart people.
Orange “virtual” setting that requires no meetings.

Orange Brainers can change in a:
• Orange climate that is stimulating and high-spirited.
Yellow climate that provides an opportunity for physical activity.
Green climate that values direct responses.
Blue climate that encourages imagination.

Whenever a life experience or changing my Brain Color has challenged me, I encourage myself with one of my favorite affirmations:
“It was gruesome and I grew some. In fact, I should be 10 feet tall by now.”

What frightens you about change?

No Bunk Just BS

My family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.

Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!


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