Last  week, I began my Social Media Marketing Lessons. On Wednesday, I listened to a webinar hosted by Mark Amtower, which offered many useful tips. On Thursday evening, I began my classes with Jackie de Boer owner of Accredited Virtual Assistance and a my Social Media Marketing Consultant.

My lessons began with several other members of WIN at the Ela Township Library.

Our first lesson focused on the foundation and valuable information about how to improve our profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter (sheilaglazov) and Facebook and how utilize all of them effectively.

I have been using the three application for a while, however, I’m am eager to gain more in-depth knowledge and understanding more about coordinating all three with my website and blog.

I loved Jackie’s creative “Blue Brain” descriptions:
LinkedIn is a “Chamber Mixer”
Twitter is a “Huge Party”
Facebook is a “Family Wedding”

Jackie and I will continue my lessons and a personalized strategic plan for my business and Social Media profiles. I am eager to expand my “Green Brain” technology expertise and discover how to utilize the opportunities and knowledge offered by the “Blue Brain” connectedness of Social Media Marketing.

I’ll keep you “posted” on my progress!

Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops . 

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  1. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on November 5, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    Sorry, for this delayed response. So glad you are recieving my Blog again. If you ever want to write a guest post let me know. I’d love to include your thoughts. Maybe something about decorating for the holidays. What do you think? Hugs, Sheila

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