Simple Explanation for Gluten Problems
My Orange Brain is resourceful, which means I am always looking for new studies about gluten problems, sensitivity, and solutions. One of my resources is my subscription to the Kumbquat Blog and Facebook page. I like the recipes, however, my Blue Brain adapts the recipes because of the dairy and sugar ingredients and my allergies.
Today, I watched a “A Simple Explanation of Gluten” video I saw on the Kumquat Facebook page. The expert on the video is Dr. Tom O’Bryan, a recognized resource for Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease.
In this short and Green Brain informative video Dr. O’bryan gives a simple explanation for the gluten problems, exactly what gluten is, and how an individual’s body react to gluten. Dr. O’Bryan also gives a Yellow Brain detailed explanation for the reasons gluten has become much more of a problem in comparisons to a few decades ago.
My Blue Brain trusts you will also find this video helpful and share it with family and friends.
“Hold the Gluten” for Happy and Healthy Eating!
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Please Spread the Word
One of my favorite gluten free treats is:
Post Fruity Pebbles Treats
Skipper, You are too funny!! :-0)
Skipper, You are too funny!! :-0)