Share Your Smile with Others
A gift from my beloved mother
About 25 years ago, my mother gifted me a poem entitled SMILE. My mother had a beautiful smile that complimented her lovely face and beautiful auburn red hair. I have always been grateful and happy that I inherited the red hair gene from my mother. Now, that my hair is silver, I miss my strawberry blonde red locks.
Why a smile is important
A smile seems to be more important than it every was before. Since COVID and the our stressful political environment, I have noticed people’s reactions when I smile at them. They are surprised, but they smile back at me. Many times it is an individual in the little grocery store I shop in, near my home. Often I “Hello” to the indivudal by name. Then that individual smiles, says hello, and sometimes asks me how I am. It always is a comforting and lovely exchange of kindness, my mother taught me.
Smile, a simple and significant poem
Below is the the cherished poem my mother gave. I always like to share this poem with others and often with the attendees in my What Color Is Your Brain?® workshops and program.
It takes but a moment, and the memory of it lasts forever.
It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged,
Sunshine to the sad, and is nature’s best antidote for trouble.
A Smile costs nothing, but gives much.
It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.
None is so rich and mighty that he or she can be made rich by it.
A Smile creates happiness in the home,
Fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship.
It cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen,
For it is of no value to anyone, until it is given away.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile,
Give them one of yours,
For no one needs the Smile more, than he who has no more to give.
Author Unknown
Closing thought
We need to share our SMILES becuase we are living in a crazy world, which remindes me of the Kingston Trio’s 1960’s song, They are Rioting in Africa. I know that Holiday Season can feel stressful. However, you can share some Holiday Joy with a SMILE! Dont’ forget to Share your Smile with others!
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