Sensational Summer Tips about Vacations, Visitors, Spinach Borscht, and Living Life Well

Summer has finally arrived in Chicago and my June 2014 BrainBuzz Newletter has been published.  This month’s newsletter will offer you sensational summer tips about vacations, visitors, spinach borscht, and living life well. Below are header highlights from the newsletter.

Your Brain Color Summer Vacations and Visitors
Yellow Brainers arrange for well-planned vacations.
Blue Brainers love reunions with family members, close friends, classmates, and neighbors, as well as nature trips.
Green Brainers prefer to travel on their own or with a small group of individuals who share the same interests.
Orange Brainers love spontaneity and variety for their vacations.

Enjoy the Glazov Family’s Refreshing Summer Spinach Borscht Recipe
My sweet father-in-law, Papa Joe, and other Russian Jews who emigrated from Russia, also refer to this Eastern European cold soup as “Shchav.” 

A Tribute to a Life Well Lived
A poem with words that rang true about how our beloved cousin Judge Richard “Dick” Elrod lived his life. The words are thought-provoking and a beautiful reminder about how we all can live our lives well!

UPDATE: Exciting news about What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring for Patients: An Easy Approach for Understanding Your Personality Type and Your Patient’s Perspective. Last week, I received an update from John Bond, my publisher, and Michelle Gatt, the marketing director, at SLACK Incorporated. The book cover designs, peer-review feedback, a more definitive publication schedule, and publication release date will be available very soon. My Orange Brain is eager to see everything John and Michelle will be sending me!

UPDATE: My Green Brain is going to learn how to use a new Email Newsletter program this summer. I hope you will be patient with my learning curve. Learning this new program will be challenging, but my Orange Brain enjoys challenges!

UPDATE: My Blue Brain is delighted with all the health care professionals’ anecdotal stories for the new book. The contributors were concerned about their writing and I encouraged them to write from the “Authentic Voice” and they did. Their stories are remarkable! You can read more about their contributions on my June 5th Blog Post – Authentic Narrative Voices From Health Care Professionals and Experts!

Enjoy your summer reading. If you want to sign up for my BrainBuzz Newsletter, please wait until the new signup program is in place on my website. You can always send me an email at and I will add your name and email address to my contacts. Thank you for your Blue Brain Understanding!

Enjoy your Summer Reading!

blue brain lifting weightsBoost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page! Remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)


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