Save the 1st and 48th Anniversary Dance for Me!
48 years ago, today, I was a young bride sharing my first dance with my husband at our wedding reception. Jordan and I have been dancing ever since that grand day, which we share with loved ones and friends.
This morning, we recounted the special in each year of our marriage. We shared the joyful birth of our children and grandchildren, family vacations, Bar-Mitzvahs, weddings, holiday celebrations, new jobs, and books published and the mournful events when our loved ones and friends have been ill and passed away. We agreed that our marriage has been filled with copious blessings that we cherish and appreciate.
We remembered, one of the most well-known phrases in the Jewish wedding tradition from Shir HaShirim, the “Song of Songs” 6:3, written by King Solomon, which we recited to each other during our wedding ceremony. “Ani L’Dodi, v’Dodi Li” – “I am My Beloved’s, and My Beloved is Mine”
My beloved and I have a sign in our bedroom that reads, “The Best Thing In Life Is Holding On To Each Other.” Jordan and I know we are blessed and are going to gratefully continue to hold on to each other as we joyfully dance into another year together!
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So wonderful and blessed to share life with the one you love! 48 fassssssst years together–I remember when you and had a crush on you when you were only 48 inches tall 🙂