Roxio Video Editing

My apologies for not posting in the last few weeks. 

As you know from previous posts, I have been attempting to enhance my “Green Technical Brain, I have installed Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7 and learning all the new benefits of PowerPoint 2010 for my What Color Is Your Brain? Workshop presentations.

Two week ago, I diligently began working 9-5 with my friend, Joe O’Rourke , who is my “Video Guru”. I am exhausted and exhilarated! My “Blue Creative Brain” is becoming more knowledgeable and comfortable about creating and editing my own videos. The program we are working with is Roxio. I’ve enjoyed creating the storyboards , but the timing and voice-over have been challenging. Now, I have a greater appreciation for anyone who edits videos or movies for a living.

As of this morning, I have posted three videos on my new YouTube channel.

I had “Brain Break” last week when my husband and I traveled to Mammoth Lakes, California , where we raised our family from 1980-1989.  We had a memorable and delightful visit with many dear friends.

Now, I’m back to my lessons… watch out Ron Howard, here comes another “Red-head Director“.

My goal is to continue my lessons for the next few weeks.
I may not be posting on my normal schedule.
However, I will  keep you posted on my “video” progress.

Thank you for your understanding!

Sheila N. Glazov , Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
FREE Brain Color Statistics – sign up for my monthly Brain Buzz Newsletter @ my website
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Take a Brain Color Quiz , and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops  
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 

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