Romance, “Wet Paint,” Diabetes, and Cha-Cha Tips in the February BrainBuzz Newsletter
I am back from my Blue Brain visits with family and friends. Before we left on our vacation, my husband and I said we wanted to clear out all our Brain Colors and relax. We definitely did. We both felt like Disorganized Orange Brain bobble-heads when we had to return to our desks to take care of our professional responsibilities on Monday.
Yesterday, I realized that it was almost the end of the month and I had not sent out my February BrainBuzz Newsletter. My Yellow Brain organized my ideas, my Orange Brain quickly assembled the newsletter, and my Green Brain scheduled it to be sent out earlier today.
If you did not receive my , a preview of the contents is listed below:
1. Discover why you feel like “Wet Paint.”
2. Take a “AAAA” Romantic Relationship Journey.
3. Listen to Sheila’s Purr-fect Pals and Diabetes Awareness Radio Interview with Joe Fermano.
4. Attend one of Sheila’s 6 What Color Is Your Brain?® Programs in March.
5. Enjoy the “Cha-Cha” Quote of the Month.
Sign up for my monthly BrainBuzz Newsletter in the 2nd section of the side bar of my website: Fill in your first name, last name, and your email address, then you will be assured to receive your BrainBuzz Newsletter.
Happy Reading!
Boost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page!
I allocate 100% of the Royalties for Purr-fect Pals and 10% of the Royalties from the sale of my other books to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)!
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