Refugee Refusal = A Poignant History Lesson!

My husband and I were born during WWII. We both remember hearing stories from our parents and family members about the Jewish refugees fleeing from the Nazi “Final Solution.” With the ongoing tragedies and terror all over the world, especially in the last few weeks, we both remarked that history is repeating itself.

This morning, my husband and I read the Associated Press article, Refugee refusal today has parallels with WWII, about the anti-antisemitism and anti-Japanese feelings that began in the 1930’s and continued through WWII.

I understand and agree that the United States and other countries must be extremely vigilant about terrorists and their evilness. However, it is disturbing to read, listen to, and see ugly prejudice reveal itself in our country and around the world because of individuals’ religion and cultural background.

The Hebrew expression, “Tikkun Olam,” which means to heal or repair the world is a most appropriate term for this time when history is repeating itself.

Please read the newspaper article, it is an poignant history lesson!

Please Spread the Word



  1. Judi Learned on November 25, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    Thank you!

    • sheila on February 10, 2016 at 3:15 pm

      Sorry, for the delayed response. I had not looked at my comments in months.
      I do not know why I ignored people’s comments. My “Yellow Brain Mother” would be very
      upset with my rudeness. Yikes.
      You are most welcome, Judi.

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