Proven Tips to Make Strategic Planning and Problem Solving Easier!

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure and the privilege of facilitating an all-day story boarding creative problem solving session with the board of directors and staff of the American Board for Occupational Health Nurses, Inc., (ABOHN), which is the sole certification agency committed to advance Board Certification for Occupational Health Nurses.

The Executive Director, Denise Knoblauch, BSN, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN and I started planning the story boarding session in January by sending the board members specific questions to build an outline to work from. In April, Denise and I spent 6 hours using our Yellow Brains to organize the board members’ answers and comments.  Our Blue Brains also made sure that “Everyone’s voice counts!” as one of the cards had recommended. Then our Green Brains logically developed the headers and support cards for each topic of the planning session. directed.

On Thursday morning, before I began facilitating the the planning session, I gave each attendee a Brain Color handout to help them determined their Brain Colors as “Decision Makers.” They had determined their ABOHN board member Brain Colors two years ago. However, I wanted them to note the differences and changes in their Brain Colors as board members and “Decision Makers”.

There was an increased degree of  Green and Yellow Brain Color influences in the room as “Decision Makers”, who would be contributing to their factual creative problem solving,  strategic planning, and logical prioritizing of tasks and goals. The attendees’ Brain Color changes confirmed that your environment and responsibilities can change your perspective and the points of view of the individuals you work with.

The following are the different Brain Color attributes that demonstrate the essential abilities individuals need for creative problem solving and strategic planning to be as  successful, as the ABOHN board members’ planning session!

Yellow Brainers  make decisions by: Considering outcomes
Yellow Brainers solve problems by: Writing an action plan

Blue Brainers  make decisions by: Incorporating ideas
Blue Brainers solve problems by: Talking with others

Green Brainers  make decisions by: Taking time to consider facts
Green Brainers solve problems by: Logical deliberation

Orange Brainers make decisions by: Improvising
Orange Brainers solve problems by: Responding quickly

I trust that his information will help to make your Strategic Planning and Problem Solving Easier!

Boost your Brain Power and Discover your Brain Colors!
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!

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  1. Jean L Sachs-Nygard on June 27, 2018 at 10:54 am

    Always love the way you look at things and share insights.

    • sheila on July 23, 2018 at 2:33 pm

      Dear Jean, please forgive this delayed reply. I just saw your comment, as I was about to write my blog. So Sorry! We are keeping it in the family. I also missed our cousin George’s comment. 😉 Thank you for your thoughtful and supportive comment. I appreciate your kindness. Love, Sheila

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