Living with Diabetes

Learning how to Manage and Live with the “Highs” and “Lows” of Diabetes

Sheila is a parent who knows how it feels to be living with T1D (Type One diabetes). Her eldest son Joshua was diagnosed with T1D 28 years ago when he was 15years old. Sheila have first-hand knowledge and experience with the many challenges diabetes creates.

  • Living with DiabetesDo you get frustrated that your husband one does not manage his diabetes the way you think he  should?
  • Are you afraid to ask you daughter about how often she monitors her blood sugar levels?
  • Does your wife drive you crazy because she always ask your son about the records in his log book?
  • Do you think your co-worker invades your privacy when he asked you questions about diabetes?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, you will benefit from a What Color Is Your Brian? when Living with Diabetes Program. You will also learn how:

  1. Understand how diabetes impacts everyone in your family; including the individual who does have diabetes and the ones who do not have diabetes.
  2. And why your loved ones respond to your diabetes management of Highs, Lows, and mood changes.
  3. To think about new ways of the ways you and your family have learned to successfully deal with diabetes management.
  4. To describe living with diabetes from your Brain Color Perspective.

Contact SheilaComments from attendees at Educational Symposiumat hosted by the South Jersey Chapter of JDRF


“What do do with my ‘Wet Paint’ moment of blood sugar management.” – Teenager

“Improve my communication skills and comprehension and to look at problems from a different perspective” – Father

“To understand my daughter’s and other family members’  responses to dealing with different situations” – Mother

“It made me think differently and laugh!” – Man with diabetes
“Be more aware of how other Brain Color people behave and help me manage my own need to control things better.”- Wife

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Purr-fect Pals

Portuguese-What Color Is Your Brain-

Chinese-What Color Is Your Brain?

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