"Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift" Book Introduction
Please, read this valuable information before you begin your journey with Princess Shayna.
I am Sarah Spundah, Guardian of the Forest of Friendship and travel companion to Princess Shayna. Since the first edition of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift (Princess Shayna) was published, thousands of parents, teachers, school counselors, therapists and others with children in their lives have contacted the author to share how Princess Shayna has changed their lives. Through their journey with Princess Shayna and relating to the different characters and villages in the book, they discovered the value of family bonds, open lines of communication in a wide range of settings, their attributes and abilities, and thinking/learning styles.
With this updated version, based on these successes, new materials for parents and educators can be found at www.PrincessShayna.com. In addition, at the end of the book, you will find a Gift Giver’s Guide with questions for each chapter designed to help adults start a conversa-tion with their children and encourage children to talk about how the story relates to their own lives. Inner strength and self-reliance will grow from the readers’ and listeners’ identification with the characters in the story.
Each of my “Sarah Spundah Says” is a spark that illuminates the essence of this enchanting fairy tale.
Sarah Spundah Says…
There is no greater gift one can give than the gift of self-esteem.
Every child deserves to feel loved, safe, encouraged, and confident within a trustworthy
home, school, and community environment!
As a reader or listener, adult or child, this book will help you:
- Discover and understand more about yourself and others
- Value your worthiness and capabilities
- Appreciate and accept individual’s differences
- Share a “color” language to express your thoughts, feelings, and defuse conflicts
- Reduce and redirect bully behavior
- Create harmonious relationships in every facet of your life
These skills will build a firm foundation from which a child or an adult can learn to solve their problems and savor their joys while on their life–long journey of self-discovery.2
Sarah Spundah Says…Help children discover their personality type and Praiseworthy Gifts.
Children rarely are offered opportunities to identify their own personality traits and talents. Children general-ly establish their self-image and feel validation by what is said about them or how others behave toward them. Therefore, it is critical for children to develop a healthy understanding of their character to improve their self-image, deal with bully behavior and handle the challenges in their life. Reading Princess Shayna offers children the opportunity to discover their personality type and their Praiseworthy Gifts.
Sarah Spundah Says… The four villages correspond to the four Brain Colors
When people discover their Brain Color personalities in Sheila Glazov’s What Color Is Your Brain?® book and workshops, they immediately become curious about their family members’ Brain Colors, especially the children. Sheila wrote Princess Shayna, as the fairy tale version of What Color Is Your Brain?® to help par-ents, teachers and other caring adults bridge and share their Brain Color knowledge with the children in their homes, schools and communities. Both, children and adults quickly enjoy and discover that their Brain Color personality types correspond to the attributes and abilities of the villagers in the four villages of the Kingdom of Kindness.
Sarah Spundah Says… Nobody is perfect!
You do not have to be perfect to be loved. No one is perfect, not even Princess Shayna! The princess has diabetes, an insidious worldwide epidemic. She learns to manage the daily challenges of diabetes because of her healthy level of self-esteem and loving encouragement from her family. Having a good self-image and family support is critical to anyone who must face and overcome any type of physical, mental, educational or social challenge in their life.
Sarah Spundah Says… Children relate to story characters to solve their problems.
Reading Princess Shayna uses Bibliotherapy, which is the effective use of a story to teach life’s lessons and deal with problems through examples of characters who the reader and/or listener can relate.
Children feel their problems are less threatening and learn how to handle difficulties when they realize that other children and adults encounter similar problems. Stories, especially fairy tales that speak to the heart and spirit of the child within all of us, are invaluable tools to help a child deal with life’s triumphs and tragedies.
Sarah Spundah Says… Reduce and redirect bully behavior.
Because bullying has become such a serious problem, there is need for an alternative approach to modify and redirect this negative behavior. Within the story of Princess Shayna, valuable tools are provided to help students find the skills that are necessary to change their inappropriate behavior.
The individuals will learn to value and accept themselves, realize their capabilities and gifts, and accept oth-ers, even if their perspective is different.
This will be the beginning of their journey toward appropriate behavior and a healthier level of self-esteem.