Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift the Musical Media Articles

There always is a story behind the story...
The audience and cast members share their perspectives about the Princess Shayna Musical.

Media Article Link:
365 Blog - Discover Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift


“My granddaughter and I had a delightful afternoon watching the play. The boys and girls did such a wonderful job of creating the musical, learning all their lines and performing with enthusiasm. The lessons of Princess Shayna's journey are life lessons they are lucky to be expressing in such a creative way now and carrying with them forever.” Diane Wollney,  Audience member

“I liked the story a lot because it’s different from other stories with the same princess in a tower.
Cast member, Macdolodge the Royal Tutor

“I thought it was really cool that we could make (the musical) ourselves, and pick the qualities of our characters along the way.” Cast member, Sarah Spundah the Silver Spider

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