Princess Shayna Celebration and 7th Author School Visit with 5th Grade Enrichment Students

On March 12th, I enjoyed my 7th visit and final Author School Visit with Laura Newcomer’s 5th grade Enrichment Class for our Princes Shayna Celebration Class.

The children’ played Princess Shayna Bingo with Bingo cards that included the fairytale characters’ names, Playing PS Bingovillages, and Brain Colors. The students also enjoyed selecting prizes from a large gift basket filled with pens, pencils, markers, erasers, and stickers, when they won. I also answered the last thought-provoking questions they had written in their Princess Shayna Journals. I gave each student a  personalized Princess Shayna Book Mark with his or her Brain Color.

We all were sad that our class time together was over. However, we are looking forward to a reunion in April. After our celebration Mrs. Newcomer gave me the results of the Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift Book Questionnaire that each of the students completed.

The Enrichment Class included 25 children = 17 girls and 8 boys.

Yellow Brainers: 5 = 4 girls and 1 boy

Blue Brainers: 6 = 5 girls and 1 boy

Green Brainers: 6 = 3 girls and 3 boys

Orange Brainers: 8 = 5 girls and 3 boys

22 students answered the following 4 questions by circling the number that represented how they felt: Least as 1 and how they felt Most as 5.

Think about how you felt at school, home, and with your friends BEFORE you read Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift.

1. I found it easy to trust others. #1=0, 2=2, 3=10, 4=6, 5=4

2. I was aware of my unique Praiseworthy Gifts. #1=2, 2=7, 3=3, 4=2, 5=8

3. I was aware of others’ Praiseworthy Gifts. #1=3, 2=2, 3=5, 4=7, 5=5

4. I was aware that I had the Invisible Visible Gift. #1=7, 2=5, 3=1, 4=8, 5=1

Think about how you feel at school, home, and with your friends NOW that you have read Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift.

1. I find it easy to trust others. #1=0, 2=0, 3=2, 4=10, 5=10

2. I am aware of my unique Praiseworthy Gifts. #1=0, 2=0, 3=2, 4=1, 55=19

3. I am aware of others’ Praiseworthy Gifts. #1=1, 2=0, 3=1, 4=5, 5=15

4. I am aware that I have the Invisible Visible Gift. #1=1, 2=1, 3=1, 4=6, 5=13

Orange Brain Hannah added the following comment to the bottom of her questionnaire:
“The Princess Shayna Book inspired me and helped me learn more about myself and others!”

Mrs.Newcomer and I were delighted to see the positive improvement in the students’ awareness about their Praiseworthy Gifts, the Invisible Visible Gift, Trust, and their classmates’ Praiseworthy Gifts.

Below are insightful examples of the students’ answers to the question: My Praiseworthy Gifts are:

Yellow Brainers:  Awesome, Responsible, Positive, Neat, Upbeat, Thoughtful, Cute, Saucy, Bright, Caring, Pretty, and Mature

Blue Brainers: Artistic, Kind, Talkative, Sensitive, Passionate, Trustworthy, Good listener, Fashionable,
Considerate, Friendly, Musical, and Creative

Green Brainers: Determined, Calm, Logical, Inventor, Scientific, Engineer, Mechanical, Curious, Focused, Independent, Problem solver, and Mathematical

Orange Brainers:  Happy, Athletic, Unique, Funny, Runner, Crazy, Energetic, “You only live once!”, Silly, Good swimmer, Generous, and Jokester

At the conclusion of the Celebration, Mrs. Newcomer and the children gave me an Orange Brain Surprise!
It PS Photo Album - Copywas a Princess Shayna Photo Album with a picture of each student talking to one of my Princess Shayna or Brain Color Puppets.

For example, in his picture Green Brain Logan was speaking to the Brainbow Puppet and asked him, “Brainbow, do you like being all the colors?” Brainbows replied, “Yes, because I can use each Brain Color at the same time in different situations. I am flexible and not flexible too, and very smart and athletic. It is awesome being a Brainbow!”

The students’ questions and the puppets’ replies in the pictures demonstrated how thoroughly the students understood the Brain Color Approach and how to utilize the concepts to express their feelings, thoughts, and behavior! My Blue Heart was singing and I had to hold back my tears of Joy!

Signing certificates - CopyAfter class, Mrs. Newcomer and I returned to her office where I signed a rainbow-colored Princess Shayna Certificate of  Achievement for each student that included pictures from my Princess Shayna Photo Album. The Certificate of Achievement read:

We hereby present
Student’s Name with this Certificate,
in honor and recognition of your outstanding achievement
in completing the Vision Quest with Princess Shayna,
given this, March of 2014
Sheila N. Glazov and Mrs. Newcomer

Rimsiyavyo! We had a Grand Princess Shayna Celebration!

Flower weight lifting for blogBoost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page! Remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).

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  1. […] this week at the Broadway Theatre in Pitman, New Jersey, near Philadelphia. Yes, the adaptation of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift and its  return to Broadway is making my Blue Heart Smile. My Orange Brain us also very excited […]

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