Poem and Book about Death and Grieving

My apologies for not posting lately.

Jordan’s sister passed away suddenly from a heart attack. I am attempting to get back into a normal routine after the the funeral arrangements and the Shiva that was held at our home, since my sister-in-law, Sandy, lived in Atlanta, GA.

It’s difficult to make sense out of Sandy’s passing, she was only 64 years old and enjoying life to the fullest. She had some health challenges, but not at we thought were life threatening.

Our niece and her husband and our nephew and his wife were finding it difficult to explain “Grandma Bubble’s” death to their children. I ordered Leo Buscaglia’s book, The Fall of Freddie the Leaf, to make the explanation easier to understand. It is a beautifully written book that explains life and death to children of all ages.

Another book that offers me comfort is entitled First Love and Other Poems that was written by Frances Woodworth Howells. It was a gift from my college roommate for my birthday 45 years ago.

Life’s melody is sadly out of tune
When memories must live with us too soon.

In his eulogy, Rabbi Steve Lowenstein shared George Bernard Shaw’s quote about life that made the sad melody a little easier to listen. His words made me think about Sandy and what a splendid torch of love, gentleness, humor, creativity and courage she was in all our lives.  

“Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch,
which I have got a hold of for the moment,
and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible
before handing it on to future generations.”

Sheila N. Glazov , Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
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