Orange Brain Color Personality Happiness!

Happiness for my “Orange Brain” is finally having a healthy computer. Sorry, I missed my posting my normal and Weekly Brain Color Clue about what makes an Orange Brainers’ Happy, last Monday.

Having fun is a primary requirement for an Orange Brain Happiness. I love practicing Julia Cameron’s idea of an Artist Day, which she wrote about in The Artist’s Way.

“An Artist Date is a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. In its most primary form, the artist date is an excursions, a play date that you pre-plan and defend against all interlopers. You do not take anyone on their artist date but you and your inner artist, a.k.a. your inner child.”

Musician, author, computer artist, and educator, Stephen Nachmanovitch says, “The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.”

I modified Julia’s “Artist Date” a few weeks ago when I spent time with my Grandnieces, Dylan age 7, and Skylar, age 5, while their mother was at work.

My “Artist Date” began at the Marriott Lincolnshire Theater , where the girls and I enjoyed a children’s performance of the Princess and the Pea. Afterwords, we enjoyed brunch on the terrace at Walker Bros. Original Pancake House. On our way home we stopped for gas and enjoyed our drive through the exterior car wash machine. 

After we returned to the girls’ home, they changed into their play clothes and we were off on our next adventure.  We walked to one of the lovely park near their home. The spongy surface surrounding the playground equipment was a bouncy surprise for me, as I watched the girl playing on a variety of equipment. Then  it was a short walk to the library, which was adjacent to the park. Dylan was excited about discovering a new chapter book author and Skylar was thrilled about choring her own picture books. We decided they each of the girls would check out 10 books apiece, since we had to carry them home. On our way home we stoppled to play  another section of the park. We all loved playing  their favorite imaginary game: Aunt Sheila the “Bad Witch” and her 3 sisters trying to capture Dylan and Skylar. After being transformed into a “Good Witch” we all decided we were tired and headed towards home.

The time I spent playing with the girls encouraged and nurtured my Orange Brain Happiness and offered my inner child blissfulness.

I followed of my favorite authors, Joseph Cambell’s advice:

“Follow your bliss!”  and
I did!

Below is a selection of “Orange Brain Happiness Perspectives” from a variety of my clients, which will offer you ideas and opportunities to create more Happiness in your life and/or with a Orange Brainer:

1.   Support their desire to take risks
2.   Make sure they don’t feel suffocated
3.   Offer them freedom within structure
4.   Do not kill their ideas
5.   Try their suggestions… you might have fun
6.   Clarify guidelines, when needed
7.   Stimulate their creativity
8.   Be patience & listen to their “quirky” ideas
9.   Encourage their self-expression
10. Offer them tools to create and maintain organization

Follow your bliss and enjoy creating Orange Brain Happiness as Grandnieces, Dylan and Sklyar,
did at our home last Friday night!

A chess game with Uncle Jordy 

Orange Brain Happiness is playing games: Daylan, Uncle Jordy and Skylar playing chess.


Orange Brain Happiness: Having fun in a tub of bubbles at the end of a fun-filled “play” day !

To encourage your “Orange Brain” Happiness:
Have Fun, Enjoy an “Artist Date” and “Follow your Bliss!”

Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator ~ Personality Type Expert
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

Turbo Tagger

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  1. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on September 13, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    I can remember you enjoying yourself, when you came to visit the Chicago Newman Clan. A picture of you  flying down the banister at our house still resonates with me. Your hands were sliding down the railing and your legs were flaying in air. It was no mystery why your nick name was Skipper!!

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