Nursemaid’s Elbow
I always knew to be extremely careful not to pull a young child (between the ages of one and three) by the arm(s).
Until yesterday I had never heard of Nursemaid’s Elbow. We discovered the medical term after Dr. Mark Thompson, the pediatric emergency room physician, at Advocate Good Sheppard Hospital quickly popped Yasmin’s elbow joint back into place.
Yasmin recovered rapidly and we were all extremely relieved and grateful!
No more “swing dancing” for Yasmin!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and presentations.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
nursemaid elbow young children safety advocate good shepard hospital dr. mark tompson Turbo Tagger
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