New Fairytale Character’s Back-Story for Musical Performance

1, 2, 3, GO! Only 3 more days until the premier performance of The Invisible Visible Gift musical production!

To help the actors prepare for their roles and answer the many questions people have asked me over the years, I have added a new website page with an engaging and extensive back-story to answer those inquiries.

The origins and/or metaphors for the characters or objects in Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, are explained with Yellow Exact Details, Blue Personal Insights, and Orange Funny Anecdotes, in a Green Systematic Sequence on the new Book Character’s Back-Story on my website.

There still is time to purchase tickets for the October 10th and October 11th performances, which focus on bully prevention and acceptance of differences! Individual tickets may be purchased at the Broadway Theatre box office an hour before each show.

If you, or someone you, know lives in the South Jersey or Philadelphia, area you or they will not want to miss this musical performance at the Broadway Theatre and find out how Shayna’s life changes! Schools and other groups should contact Jenifer Neiswender to reserve seats. Jenifer can be reached at 609-647-3137 or by email

PS & WF #2 edited book trailerPrincess Shayna says, “Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page!”
Please remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).

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