New Book Coming Soon, Please “Like” My Facebook Author Page!

My Orange Brain is excited to tell you that I am writing my 6th book, which is business memoir.

My Yellow Brain has been planning and organizing ideas for this book for several years.

My Green Brain has been researching, writing, and adding my thought to my storyboards.

Now, my Blue Brain is looking forward to sharing updates and information about my new book on my redesigned Facebook – Sheila Glazov Author Page. For the updates, I hired Christina Dick, the knowledgeable and competent owner of  Be Savvy Marketing to help me with the changes.

If you already “Like” my Author Page or want to “Like” the page when you finish reading this post, please know that I appreciate your endorsement.

For those of you who are just learning about my Author Page, please look for my Facebook Invitation asking you to “Like my Sheila Glazov Author Page, this week. 

My Blue Brain would be most grateful for your Likeand support for my new book and author platform.


Boost your Brain Power and Discover your Brain Colors!
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter,#7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!

10% of royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF.




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