Neighbors pray together (walking outside) during Coronavirus outbreak! What about yours?

We were a diverse group: 1 Catholic, 2 members of a Christian bible study group, and Jordan and I, who are Jewish. We all joined together to prayer for our neighborhood, yesterday afternoon.

Jordan and I learned about the gathering, on Saturday, when we received a flyer in our mailbox inviting us to walk together, while Jeanne prayed the rosary. Jeanne’s note said, “We will be praying for all the families in our neighborhood, whether or not you are able to come.”

On Sunday, we met Jeanne at the appointed place and time. Before our walk began, Jeanne explained the rosary and prayers to us. She had prayers printed out and rosaries for available for everyone. We walked our neighbor hood and when Jeanne finished saying her prayers,  Jordan and I shared our Hebrew Mi Sheberirach prayer for healing, then I tuned my phone to the beautiful video of Debbie Friedman singing the Mi Shebeirach prayer for us all to listen to.

Jordan and I enjoyed a beautiful day, learning about praying the rosary; and praying, walking, and chatting with our neighbors. It was comforting to join together in our community to share and take care of one another.

I wanted to share our experience in hopes that others will creates their own ideas to support their community and neighborhood.
As the Mi Shebeirach prayer states:
A prayers for those who are ill or recovering from illness or accidents, with a holistic view of humankind, a prayer for physical cure as well as spiritual healing, asking for blessing, compassion, restoration, and strength, within the community!


My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.


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