My Doctor’s Office Experience Helped Me Recognize And Deal With My Feelings About Bully Behavior!

More About Bully Behavior

I want to continue writing about Bully Behavior, as I said I would, in last week’s blog post, which was was written on February 21, 2023, and  was entitiled: I Experienced Bully Behavior In A Doctor’s Office!  Today’s post will include Bully Behavior and how it relates to the 4 Brain Color personalities,in my books.

How To Recognized Different Bully Behavior

It is essential for adults or children to:
• Recognize the 4 Brain Color Bully Behaviors,
• Communicate what the Bully said, or
• How the Bully acted, when an adult or child asks a trustworthy professional, family member, or friend for help to prevent and/or deal with Bully Behavior.

Tip #2 – How To Recognize The 4 Brain Color B  ullies
• Yellow Brain Bullies: Must demonstrate they are in control of a situation or relationship.
• Blue Brain Bullies: Engage in passive aggressive behavior to make other people feel badly.
• Green Brain Bullies: Intimidate others with their sense of superior intelligence.
• Orange Brain Bullies: Physically dominate others with their size and/or strength.

Feelings About Bully Behavior

To receive the appropriate assistance to stop harmful Bully Behavior, it is critical for an adult or child to be aware of their feelings, specifically know what to communicate, and how they felt when they were bullied.

Tip #3 – How Each Brain Colors Feel Bullied
• Yellow Brainers: Feel bullied and overwhelmed when they are forced to make a decision without time to prepare.
• Blue Brainers: Feel bullied and intimidated if someone makes fun of their efforts to comfort and encourage others.
• Green Brainers: Think they are being bullied and treated as an outcast when others label them as a “nerd” or “geek”.
• Orange Brainers: Feel bullied and restricted when someone uses their authority to make them abide by rigid or unreasonable rules.

How To Deal With Bully Behvior

Once an adult or child is able to recognize Bully Behavior, become aware of their feelings, and communicate their experience(s) to individuals who can help them, they will feel more courageous and capable to deal with and redirect Bully Behavior.

Tip #4 – How Each Brain Colors Deals With And Redirects Bully Behavior
• Yellow Brainers: Think or say, “You are not always right, and you will not make me feel that I am wrong and have no value.”
• Blue Brainers: Think or say, “You’ve hurt my feelings, and you will not make me feel badly about myself and/or my ideas.”
• Green Brainers: Think or say, “You think you are more intelligent than I am, but I am smart about the things I know about in my life.”
• Orange Brainers: Think or say, “You are the authority, but I am also capable, and you will not make me feel inferior to you.”

Final Thought

My doctor’s office experience and these Brain Color Tips and examples are meant to offer you a new and different awareness about understanding, dealing with, and preventing Bully Behavior in your workplace, home, school, and/or community. I trust they will be helpful to you, and you will share them with others, or you will encourage an adult and/or child you know to courageously seek the help and safety they need to prevent Bully Behavior.


My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to the Raue Center for the Arts Educational Programs.


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