My Brain in Brazil!
My Brain in Brazil!!!
I just learned that my publisher, SLACK, Inc. signed a contract with Tecmedd Editora to translate
What Color Is Your Brain? into Portuguese for the Brazilian market!
What Color Is Your Brain? A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others
will soon read…
Qual a cor do seu cérebro? Uma abordagem fascinante e divertida para entender os outros
The first foreign rights in Portugues in Brazil… that’s “Inacreditável” which is Portuguese for Incredible!
As many of you know our entrepreneurial “Orange Brain” son, Noah, our incredibly beautiful and
talented Brazilian daughter-in-law, Kelly, and our “delicious” 17 month old granddaughter, Yasmin,
live in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I’m curious…
When I look at the picture
of my granddaughter devouring
What Color Is Your Brain?
upon its arrival last June…
Did Yasmin know something
her “Mimi” didn’t??
I will be ecstatic if the
Brazilian Market consumes
Qual a cor do seu cérebro?
as voraciously as Yasmin did!
Tchau, Boa Leitura…
Bye, Happy Reading!
Translation credit and Thanks “Obrigada” to our dear family friend, Suzanne Apsan.
Suzanne translated Noah’s and Kelly’s wedding ceremony from English to Portuguese
and was the translator at their Brazilian wedding celebration in Sao, Paulo on
November 10, 2002!
Sheila Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator
Please Spread the Word
What a coincidence! I was presenting at a conference yesterday and a group of the most energized, enthusiastic, and wonderful people stayed late to learn more. They were all from Brazil!
I have no doubt that the Brazilian market will consume your excellent book as voraciously as Yasmin (and I).
The Work Shop
Masterfully Building Strong Careers and Businesses
Christy. The synchronicity is grand!! Your description of the Brazilians was most accurate! They are an Orange/Blue culture… Fun and Family! I appreciate your confidence in the Brazilian’s appetite for What Color Is Your Brain? A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others. It make sense… the title includes “Fun!” I’m delighted that you also are voraciously comsuming my book. Bom Apetite!