Microsoft Office 2010 and Book Trailer Promotions

My friend, professional speaker mentor and video/PowerPoint guru, Joe O’Rourke  just informed me that
Microsoft Office 2010 will be available in the stores next month. My eagerness to purchase the update version took be by surprise.

My ” Green BrainTechie” enthusiasm was launched when I began working with Movie Maker after taking a class at the Ela Township Library. My eagerness to create a video book trailer for What Color Is Your Brain? escalated after attendee an SCBWI-IL (Illinois chapter of the Society of Book Writers and Illustrators) on April 17th. The “Food for Thought” meeting was held at the Schaumberg Township District Library.The informative and fun program was organized by author and illustrator Sallie Wolfe.

The presentations focused on creating book trailers and on-line promotions. Four of our SCBWI-IL authors and illustrators shared their experiences about creating book trailers and other on-line promotional tools for the picture book, middle grade, and YA markets. However, their techniques and tools could be applied to any book genre or promotion. The panel included

1. Host, librarian, and blogger Amy Alessio .

2. Picture book illustrator Larry Day who showed us his Nanook and Pryce book trailer.

3. Middle Grade author Brenda Ferber who presented the two book trailer she created for her novel, Jemma Hartman: Camper Extraordinaire.

4. YA writer Laura Ruby, showed us her trailer for Play Me

This creative approach to marketing my book and workshops hooked me!

Now, all my “Brain Colors ” are anticipating this new software.

My “Yellow Brain” will like the new organized and improved version

My “Blue Brain” will love the creative options

My “Green Brain” will like the the technical challenges of new program.

My “Orange Brain” is excited the new movie options with PowerPoint

Click the “” button on my new What Color Is Your Brain? Facebook  Fan Page
Sheila N. Glazov , Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz , and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops  
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 

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