Sheila’s Bio
Sheila’s Bio
Sheila Glazov is a Green Brain best-selling author, Yellow Brain internationally known professional speaker, Orange Brain and award-winning personality expert, and Blue Brain passionate educator.
Sheila has appeared on CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX, LIFETIME and WGN-TV. She has been interviewed on internet programs and radio stations throughout the United States and in Brazil, and featured in the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, and PRAVDA newspapers, iG (largest Brazilian internet portal), Happy Women (Portuguese magazine), Selling Power, HR, Women’s World, Chicago Parent, Seventeen, and Enterprising Women magazines, and the Discover Card and Quill Corporation national customer newsletters. Today’s Chicago Woman newspaper selected Sheila as one of “100 Women Making A Difference.”
Her innovative style has won Sheila praise for her What Color Is Your Brain® (WCIYB?) Programs in conference rooms and classrooms in the United States and around the world. Encouraging adults and children to recognize and respect the best in themselves and others is the essence of her programs and books.
Sheila’s programs offer practical and applicable concepts from her best-selling book, What Color Is Your Brain?® A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others. During a WCIYB?® Program, individuals learn to utilize their own “Instant Personality Decoder” to recognize and value their personal perspective and accept others’ viewpoints, improve their job performance, communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts quickly, build healthier relationships, and create harmonious relationships in their professional and personal lives. Adults and children discover their Brain Colors and learn communication skills that go beyond their workplace and schools; like multiplication tables, that people never forget! What Color Is Your Brain?® has been translated into Portuguese and traditional Chinese.
What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring For Patients: An Easy Approach for Understanding Your Personality Type and Your Patient’s Perspective is Sheila’s second book. The book helps Health Care Professionals discover their unique Brain Colors, decode their patients’ and co-workers’ personalities, understand why their co-workers and patients see them way they do, and how the different Brain Color perspective influence workplace relationships!
The second edition of Sheila’ book Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift is the children’s adaptation of What Color Is Your Brain? ®. This enduring “Family Fairy Tale,” helps children of all ages recognize their capabilities, value their worthiness, build their self-esteem, develop creative problem-solving skills, and establishes the basis for an environment of trust and appreciation of diversity. Children achieve a greater understanding of themselves and others, reduce and redirect bully behavior, accept and appreciate individual differences, and deal with life’s triumphs and tragedies.
Sheila believes every child deserves to feel loved, safe, encouraged and confident within a trustworthy home, school, and community environment!
The Teacher’s Activity Guide for “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift” is a colorful, engaging, and extensive educational resource for teaching Social Emotional Learning for Academic Success and meeting state Common Core Standards. This classroom-tested companion to Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift is the perfect, quick and easy resource to apply, transfer, and reinforce valuable lessons in the classroom,
Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift has also been adapted as a children’s musical production at the Broadway Theatre of Pitman and The Trilogy School of Performing Arts. The focus of the musical productions is 1) dealing with bully behavior, 2) accepting and appreciating differences, 3) understanding and managing health challenges.
Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes is a picture book written and designed to offer comfort, education, and encouragement to children (ages 2-12) who live with the challenges of T1D (type 1 diabetes) and T2D type 2 diabetes). The story is told through the true-life experiences of two main characters, a “kid” named Jack (who represents Sheila’s son, Joshua) and his “cat,” named Sky (Joshua’s cat) who learn to live with the “highs” and “lows” of their diabetes. The characters’ mirror images and the sequence of events teach children they are not alone. Readers realize that they can achieve their heart’s desire and overcome obstacles, turning them into life-long opportunities.
Sheila is honored and delighted that, as of July 1, 2017, Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes will be part of the JDRF (formerly known as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Bag of Hope, which is filled with useful resources for both the child who has been diagnosed with T1D and his or her adult caregivers.
Sheila and her family know the never-ending challenges of diabetes because her eldest son, Joshua (of blessed memory) was diagnosed with T1D when he was fifteen years old, her father (of blessed memory) had T2D, and their family cat had T1D.
Sheila allocates 10% of the royalties from the sale of her books to the Raue Center For The Arts Educational Programs, which has served over 400,000 students.
Sheila earned her Bachelor of Science degree in education from the Ohio State University and is a certified Authorized Entity Trainer (AET) for the state of Illinois and a Registry Approved Trainer for the state of Illinois Gateways to Opportunity Registry (RAT). Sheila has a degree in Creative Leadership from Disney University and is a graduate of the Creative Problem-Solving Institute and the McNellis Creative Planning Institute. She has taught 3rd grade and High School ESL. Sheila has been an adjunct faculty member of William Rainey Harper College, a guest instructor at DePaul, Penn State, and Northwood Universities, and has written curriculum for the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Sheila has been a member of the Professional Speakers of Illinois, National Speakers Association, National Speakers Association of Illinois, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Mid-West Writers Association, National Associations for Self-Esteem, Governors’ Commission on the Status of Women in Illinois, Women In Management, Women in Networking, The Women’s Task Force for Congresswoman Melissa Bean, and a board member of many community organizations.
Sheila lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband, Jordan.
To learn more about Sheila, her books, programs, and musicals visit the other informative sections on this website.
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