Marriage, Money, Personal Stories, and Family History Tips

If you are looking for Yellow Practical and Orange Fun tips for your marriage, money, personal stories, and family history, be sure to read my April 2014 BrainBuzz Newsletter.

Below are previews about each topic. Click on this newsletter link to learn more Green Brain valuable information!

1. Marriage: If you missed my my April 8th blog post, you want to read about the 4 Simple Secrets of my 47 Year Marriage. For example, Jordan and I have learned to respect each other’s individualism, forgive the “whopper” mistakes we both have made, accept one another’s “crazy” idiosyncrasies, and had lots of fun together! I do not divulge all our secrets… your Blue Brain will have to create some of your own.

2. Money: You will learn how individuals handle financial issues is often the number one reason for the success or failure of their personal and business relationships. How each Brain Color manages his or her finances can determine compatibility or conflict with others.
Yellow Brainers save their money.
Blue Brainers share their money.
Green Brainers develop a system for their money.
Orange Brainers spend their money.

3. Personal Stories and Family History: You will no longer put off writing your personal stories and family history, once your read The Story of You: A Guide for Writing Your Personal Stories and Family History! More details in author John Bond’s Guest Blog Post tomorrow! 

4. APPLAUSE! The Spring performance of The Invisible Visible Gift, which was the musical adaptation of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, was a grand success!

5. APPLAUSE! On Friday, April 18th, I sent the manuscript for my new book, What Color Is Your Brain When Caring for Patients: An Easy Approach for Understanding Your Personality Type and Your Patient’s Perspective.

6. APPLAUSE! is the response from the attendees at the end of their What Color Is Your Brain? Programs. Contact me at or 847.526.9039 to discuss a crowd cheering program for your next meeting or conference!

7. APPLAUSE for a Happy Spring, if it ever arrives in Chicago! 
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Boost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page! Remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).

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  1. […] my blog post, yesterday, I mention that readers would be learning more about an exciting new book that will help […]

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