Looking for a Consummate Management Consultant?
Looking for A Consummate Management Consultant?
A few months ago, my fellow creative, Christy Erbeck, founder of Metamorphic Consulting called me and asked if I would speak to the Chicagoland Chapter of the Institute of Management Consultants. Christy thought I would enjoy speaking to the membership and they would benefit from understanding their Brain Colors. I agreed, and a few weeks later, Jon Paul, MBA, CPA, CMC, CM&AA, President of Value Added Financial Resources and the program chairman, contacted me to schedule a What Color Is Your Brain? Workshop for CIMC May Breakfast meeting. I appreciated Jon Paul’s “Blue Brain” helpfulness and communication, while I was preparing for my presentation.
Mary Beth Ingberg, MDiv, MSOD, founder of Welcome Change, set the tone and comfort level for the morning with her warm welcome at the Rosewood Restaurant in Rosemont, Illinois. Before the meeting, I enjoyed visiting with many of the consultants, who work in a variety of consulting arenas. Everyone was just how Christy said they would be… hospitable, mindful, inquisitive and receptive to my presentation. In fact, my husband, Jordan, accompanied me to the meeting. He also enjoyed meeting and getting to know several of the members. Now, he is considering a membership in the chapter.
First, the chapter president, Bill Pierrakeas, founder of a ThirdView, conducted a brief business meeting. Next, Jon Paul made a few chapter announcements, followed by skillfully introduction about my workshop and me. During my presentation, the members were most attentive and participatory.The focus of the workshop was to help the consultants:
• Discover and understand their strengths and idiosyncrasies, while adapting to their
clients’ character traits and talents,
• Become better at business development,
• Learn better ways to run their practice, and
• Help serve their clients better, including learning how to
collaborate with others, by utilizing of your Brain Color knowledge.
The closing Q & A period became mini-workshop because the members asked so many thought-provoking questions. Their evaluations reflected “positive, dynamic, interesting, engaging, informative, competent, inviting, fun, useful, polished, excellent, awesome and helpful” learning experiences and I had a positively delightful facilitating experience!
I was honored when Dawn V. Gay, CPMC, Principal of Align Resources, said she read about me in the IMC newsletter and came to the meeting to specifically meet me and learn about more about WCIYB. Now, Dawn and I are discussing ideas about working together.
It was a pleasure meeting Julaine Flick, founder of PowerStone Communications. Last Monday Julaine and I met to brainstorm about presenting programs together.
I am also looking forward to presenting a WCIYB program for the Harvard Business School Club of Chicago North Shore Interest Group. Jon Paul hosts that HBS group and invited me to speak at their membership breakfast in November.
If you are looking for a Consummate Management Consultant I would recommend that you contact the Institute of Management Consultants USA local chapter.
Sheila Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my books and workshops.
institute for management consultants chicagoland chapter metamorphic consulting value added financial resources powerstone dawn v. gay what color is your brain workshops Turbo Tagger
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